Double Tirades…
Omini: Any administrator (&the
so called 'professional) who lacks objectivity and sound judgment is a
'disaster'. An irresponsible 'fragment' of a shameless generation. How he got
there? Yeah! Through the ladder of corruption whose rungs are dotted with stains
of blood from the broken hearts of children and the 'bleeding nose of tomorrow!
The tomorrow they sold in the black market of sex, avarice & power!(SAP).
Thom: And sex continues to
stand sentinel in the darkened corridors of power. Old men with twisted loins,
and shameless arthritic erections, preying on young girls, fixated on the
allure of quick lucre, and the top becomes an entanglement of many legs, few
Omini: @Thom:.Yes, SEX, the most dynamic 'medium of
exchange' in the corridors of power.. where the so called leaders in damnable
orgies surrender the fate of the nation to the promptings of their loins.. and
then powered by beastly orgasm, they go to the media to make egregious
ejaculations of rubbish from their befuddled manipulate fellow
Nigerians! And while we keep praying for the country, they keep preying on us...
Thom: @Omini: Aha! Prayers, my friend. Praying Mantis before
hungry birds, we have become. Scoundrels and squirrels, they remain. Shriveled
manhoods dripping effluents from their putrid minds. These sounds I hear,
brother, not the ecstasy of orgasm's joy, but the grunts and groans of old men
on their way out... the rains are here again...
Omini: @Thom: '..but the grunts and groans of old men on
their way out...' These men! They never get out of the way. They are never out,
no matter how down they go! Yes they stay on and clog up the system with
degenerative ideologies. Just like they do with their 'shrivelled manhoods
dripping effluents from their putrid minds...' pouring out like rancid yogurt
the last drop of life's water. These men. 'They shame me!!'
Thom: @Omini: Should we then ignore them? and take our place
at the tail end of this line of rapists. facial skins taut, breathing heavy in
anticipation. One whore for all...taking her in turns... Soon we would realize
she is our mother. Idiots! It will be too late to make amends as she lies
comatose. Our greed has killed our mother... the rains are still here...
Omini: @Thom: Oh, how then can we
stop these men with numbed by immorality and greed? How can we
save our ravished mother from our depraved brothers? Day by day, they plunder
the milk from her bosom and thrust their fingers into her treasury hurting
her deep inside until she bleeds. The suckling children are denied access to
dear mother's tit. Hopeless and deserted, they crawl to the streets...homeless,
penniless and hungry; Weak, toothless and voiceless....they stay and stare into
space waiting for tomorrow. This sapless bundle of brains and brawns. When will
their tomorrow come again? When will they taste the oil in mother's soup? Here
I stand waiting for the wind . Let it blow so we see the 'hinterlands' of the
fowl's backside!
Thom: @Omini: as usual you
touch the heart of my brain with the nimble fingers of your words...'oh, how
then can we stop these men with conscience...' Our own consciousness expressed
in this new slate, hand held black boards...etching away what we
feel...speaking truth to all who care to listen...watching,
waiting...Socrates...Plato...Shakespeare ....even the Psalmist. The verse, ours
verse never dies...
Omini: @Thom: I hear you brother! Let the eyes and ears of
this arena stay alert. For we will, in verses mow the land. In flowing lines
shall we till the soil and sow the seed in artful rhapsody. And then in
pulsating rhymes, this seed of change shall we water until we see the
fruits...the dream... of 'the labour of our heroes past' So help us God!
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